Fachgebiet WissensverarbeitungPressemitteilung 101/05 – 07. Juli 2005 13th International Conference on Conceptual Structures Conceptual Structures: Common Semantics for Sharing Knowledge Kassel/Germany. The International Conferences on Conceptual Structures (ICCS) has been held annually in Europe, Australia, and North America since 1993. The central focus is the formal representation and analysis of conceptual knowledge with research and business applications focusing on artificial intelligence, computational linguistics, and related areas of computer science.
Historically, a group of researchers working on the theory and applications of Conceptual Graphs founded the ICCS. Over the years, they have broadened the scope to include a wider range of theories, among them Formal Concept Analysis, Description Logics, Semantic Web, Ontologies, and related techniques.
ICCS 2005 will address the following topics: conceptual structures (theory, applications, and experience with case studies); their interplay with language, semantics and pragmatics; formal methods for concept analysis and contextual logic, modeling, representation, and visualization of concepts; conceptual knowledge acquisition; and the theory and applications of formal ontologies; comparisons of methods and representations on the basis of reasoning ability, expressiveness, ease of use, and computational performance.
The conference will focus on the use of conceptual structures in formalizing and processing semantical content of ontologies, in particular in relation with the semantic web technologies. Of special interest is the question to which extent formal representations of conceptual structures can support human communication and knowledge creation.
The title "Common Semantics for Sharing Knowledge" of this year's conference was chosen to emphasize one hand the overall aim of any knowledge representation formalism: to support the sharing of knowledge; and on the other hand the importance of a common semantics to avoid distortion of the meaning. We understand that both aspects are of equal importance for a successful future of the research area of conceptual structures within the next years. We are thus happy that the papers presented at ICCS 2005 address both applications and theoretical foundations.
"Sharing knowledge'' can also be understood in a separate sense. Thanks to the German Research Foundation DFG we were able to invite nine internationally renowned researchers from adjacent research areas. In addition, out of 66 submitted papers, 23 papers were selected in a peer-reviewing process for publication in the Springer LNAI series and 14 papers for publication in a supplementary volume. We are looking forward to stimulating 46 presentations and lively discussions, with the hope of bidirectional knowledge sharing. Eventually even the ground can be laid for establishing common semantics between the respective theories.
ICCS 2005 (s. https://www.kde.cs.uni-kassel.de/conf/iccs05) is supported by the Gesellschaft zur Förderung des technischen und kaufmännischen Führungsnachwuchses in Nordhessen - Informatik.
Important DatesWorkshops: Sunday,
July 17, 2005
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