Hinweis: Christoph Scholz ist seit dem 30.04.2015 nicht mehr im Fachgebiet beschäftigt.
Dr. Christoph Scholz
E-Mail: scholz@cs.uni-kassel.de
Research Interests
I am interested in the following topics of research:
- Machine Learning
- Data Mining
- Social Network Analysis
- Link Prediction
- Indoor Localization
Conference Talks
- ISMIS 2014, Roskilde, Denmark
- ASONAM 2013, Niagara Falls, Canada
- ICWSM 2013, Boston, MA, USA
- SocialCom 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Hypertext 2012, Milwaukee, WI, USA
- ECML-PKDD 2011, Athens, Greece
PC Chair
- 5th International Workshop on Mining Ubiquitous and Social Environments (MUSE), 15-19 September 2014, Nancy, France
- 4th International Workshop on Mining Ubiquitous and Social Environments (MUSE), 23-27 September 2013, Prague, Czech Republic
PC Member
- The 2014 IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing, 01-03 September 2014, Taipei, Taiwan
- 5th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media: Mining Big Data in Social Media and the Web (MSM 2014), 7 April 2014, Seoul, Korea.
- The 2013 IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing, 20-23 August 2013, Beijing, China
- 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, 1–3 May 2013, Paris, France
- Workshop “Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining, Maschinelles Lernen 2010” der Fachgruppe KDML, 4-6 October 2010, Kassel, Germany
Teaching / Lehre
- Sommersemester 2014
- Sommersemester 2013
- Wintersemester 2012/2013
- Sommersemester 2012
- Wintersemester 2011/2012
- Sommersemester 2011
- Wintersemester 2010/2011
- Sommersemester 2010
- URLBibTeXEndNote
author = {Atzmüller, Martin and Baraki, Harun and Behrenbruch, Kay and Comes, Diana and Evers, Christoph and Hoffmann, Axel and Hoffmann, Holger and Jandt, Silke and Kibanov, Mark and Kieselmann, Olga and Kniewel, Romy and König, Immanuel and Macek, Björn‐Elmar and Niemczyk, Stefan and Scholz, Christoph and Schuldt, Michaela and Schulz, Thomas and Skistims, Hendrik and Söllner, Matthias and Voigtmann, Christian and Witsch, Andreas and Zirfas, Julia},
editor = {Hoffmann, Axel and Niemczyk, Stefan},
institution = {Zentrum für Informationstechnik‐Gestaltung (ITeG)},
keywords = 2014,
organization = {Kassel University},
publisher = {Kassel University Press},
title = {Die VENUS-Entwicklungsmethode Eine interdisziplinäre Methode für soziotechnische Softwaregestaltung},
volume = 1,
year = 2014
}%0 Report
%1 atzmuller2014venusentwicklungsmethode
%A Atzmüller, Martin
%A Baraki, Harun
%A Behrenbruch, Kay
%A Comes, Diana
%A Evers, Christoph
%A Hoffmann, Axel
%A Hoffmann, Holger
%A Jandt, Silke
%A Kibanov, Mark
%A Kieselmann, Olga
%A Kniewel, Romy
%A König, Immanuel
%A Macek, Björn‐Elmar
%A Niemczyk, Stefan
%A Scholz, Christoph
%A Schuldt, Michaela
%A Schulz, Thomas
%A Skistims, Hendrik
%A Söllner, Matthias
%A Voigtmann, Christian
%A Witsch, Andreas
%A Zirfas, Julia
%D 2014
%E Hoffmann, Axel
%E Niemczyk, Stefan
%I Kassel University Press
%T Die VENUS-Entwicklungsmethode Eine interdisziplinäre Methode für soziotechnische Softwaregestaltung
%U http://www.uni-kassel.de/upress/online/OpenAccess/978-3-86219-550-3.OpenAccess.pdf
%V 1 - BibTeXEndNote
address = {Santiago, Chile, September 1-4},
author = {Scholz, Christoph and Illig, Jens and Atzmueller, Martin and Stumme, Gerd},
booktitle = {25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (to appear)},
keywords = {talk},
publisher = {ACM},
title = {On the Predictability of Talk Attendance at Academic Conferences},
year = 2014
}%0 Conference Paper
%1 scholz2014predictability
%A Scholz, Christoph
%A Illig, Jens
%A Atzmueller, Martin
%A Stumme, Gerd
%B 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (to appear)
%C Santiago, Chile, September 1-4
%D 2014
%T On the Predictability of Talk Attendance at Academic Conferences - BibTeXEndNote
address = {Seoul, South Korea},
author = {Atzmueller, Martin and Ernst, Andreas and Krebs, Friedrich and Scholz, Christoph and Stumme, Gerd},
booktitle = {5th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media: Mining Big Data in Social Media at the 23rd International World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2014},
editor = {[accepted/to appear]},
keywords = {face-to-face},
title = {On the Evolution of Social Groups During Coffee Breaks},
year = 2014
}%0 Conference Paper
%1 atzmueller2014evolution
%A Atzmueller, Martin
%A Ernst, Andreas
%A Krebs, Friedrich
%A Scholz, Christoph
%A Stumme, Gerd
%B 5th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media: Mining Big Data in Social Media at the 23rd International World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2014
%C Seoul, South Korea
%D 2014
%E [accepted/to appear],
%T On the Evolution of Social Groups During Coffee Breaks - BibTeXEndNote
author = {Scholz, Christoph and Atzmueller, Martin and Stumme, Gerd},
journal = {Journal of Social Network Analysis and Mining},
keywords = {link},
number = 217,
title = {{Predictability of Evolving Contacts and Triadic Closure in Human Face-to-Face Proximity Networks}},
volume = 4,
year = 2014
}%0 Journal Article
%1 SAS:14c
%A Scholz, Christoph
%A Atzmueller, Martin
%A Stumme, Gerd
%D 2014
%J Journal of Social Network Analysis and Mining
%N 217
%T {Predictability of Evolving Contacts and Triadic Closure in Human Face-to-Face Proximity Networks}
%V 4 - BibTeXEndNote
author = {Scholz, Christoph and Atzmueller, Martin and Stumme, Gerd},
journal = {CoRR},
keywords = {link},
title = {Link Prediction and the Role of Stronger Ties in Networks of Face-to-Face Proximity},
volume = {abs/1407.2161},
year = 2014
}%0 Journal Article
%1 DBLP:journals/corr/SAS_Arxiv14
%A Scholz, Christoph
%A Atzmueller, Martin
%A Stumme, Gerd
%D 2014
%T Link Prediction and the Role of Stronger Ties in Networks of Face-to-Face Proximity
%V abs/1407.2161 - BibTeXEndNote
address = {Nancy, France},
editor = {Atzmueller, Martin and Scholz, Christoph},
keywords = {muse},
publisher = {ECML/PKDD 2014},
title = {{Proceedings of the 2014 International Workshop on Mining Ubiquitous and Social Environments (MUSE 2014)}},
year = 2014
}%0 Book
%1 AS:14
%C Nancy, France
%D 2014
%E Atzmueller, Martin
%E Scholz, Christoph
%T {Proceedings of the 2014 International Workshop on Mining Ubiquitous and Social Environments (MUSE 2014)} - URLBibTeXEndNoteExploiting social links is an important issue for enhancing ubiquitous knowledge engineering because they are a substitute for a wide range of properties depending on which relation spans the link: in case of human face-to-face contacts, similar locations or potential knowledge transfer for the people in contact can be derived. This information can be used to improve the quality of ubiquitous services as localization or recommendation systems. We capture this information by deploying active RFID setups at a variety of contexts. In this chapter, we focus especially on working groups and conferences and discuss and evaluate the achieved improvements using the gathered data.
abstract = {Exploiting social links is an important issue for enhancing ubiquitous knowledge engineering because they are a substitute for a wide range of properties depending on which relation spans the link: in case of human face-to-face contacts, similar locations or potential knowledge transfer for the people in contact can be derived. This information can be used to improve the quality of ubiquitous services as localization or recommendation systems. We capture this information by deploying active RFID setups at a variety of contexts. In this chapter, we focus especially on working groups and conferences and discuss and evaluate the achieved improvements using the gathered data.},
author = {Scholz, Christoph and Macek, Bjoern-Elmar and Atzmueller, Martin and Doerfel, Stephan and Stumme, Gerd},
booktitle = {Socio-technical Design of Ubiquitous Computing Systems},
editor = {David, Klaus and Geihs, Kurt and Leimeister, Jan Marco and Roßnagel, Alexander and Schmidt, Ludger and Stumme, Gerd and Wacker, Arno},
keywords = {link},
pages = {109-129},
publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
title = {Mining Social Links for Ubiquitous Knowledge Engineering},
year = 2014
}%0 Book Section
%1 scholz2014mining
%A Scholz, Christoph
%A Macek, Bjoern-Elmar
%A Atzmueller, Martin
%A Doerfel, Stephan
%A Stumme, Gerd
%B Socio-technical Design of Ubiquitous Computing Systems
%D 2014
%E David, Klaus
%E Geihs, Kurt
%E Leimeister, Jan Marco
%E Roßnagel, Alexander
%E Schmidt, Ludger
%E Stumme, Gerd
%E Wacker, Arno
%I Springer International Publishing
%P 109-129
%R 10.1007/978-3-319-05044-7_7
%T Mining Social Links for Ubiquitous Knowledge Engineering
%U http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-05044-7_7
%X Exploiting social links is an important issue for enhancing ubiquitous knowledge engineering because they are a substitute for a wide range of properties depending on which relation spans the link: in case of human face-to-face contacts, similar locations or potential knowledge transfer for the people in contact can be derived. This information can be used to improve the quality of ubiquitous services as localization or recommendation systems. We capture this information by deploying active RFID setups at a variety of contexts. In this chapter, we focus especially on working groups and conferences and discuss and evaluate the achieved improvements using the gathered data.
%@ 978-3-319-05043-0 - BibTeXEndNote
author = {Scholz, Christoph and Illig, Jens and Atzmueller, Martin and Stumme, Gerd},
journal = {CoRR},
keywords = {talk},
title = {On the Predictability of Talk Attendance at Academic Conferences},
volume = {abs/1407.0613},
year = 2014
}%0 Journal Article
%1 DBLP:journals/corr/SIAS_Arxiv14
%A Scholz, Christoph
%A Illig, Jens
%A Atzmueller, Martin
%A Stumme, Gerd
%D 2014
%T On the Predictability of Talk Attendance at Academic Conferences
%V abs/1407.0613 - BibTeXEndNote
author = {Kibanov, Mark and Atzmueller, Martin and Scholz, Christoph and Stumme, Gerd},
journal = {SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences},
keywords = {face-to-face},
title = {Temporal Evolution of Contacts and Communities in Networks of Face-to-Face Human Interactions},
volume = 57,
year = 2014
}%0 Journal Article
%1 DBLP:journals/chinaf/KASS14
%A Kibanov, Mark
%A Atzmueller, Martin
%A Scholz, Christoph
%A Stumme, Gerd
%D 2014
%J SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences
%T Temporal Evolution of Contacts and Communities in Networks of Face-to-Face Human Interactions
%V 57 - BibTeXEndNote
address = {Seoul, South Korea},
author = {Scholz, Christoph and Atzmueller, Martin and Stumme, Gerd},
booktitle = {5th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media: Mining Big Data in Social Media at the 23rd International World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2014},
editor = {[accepted/to appear]},
keywords = {face-to-face},
title = {On the Predictability of Recurring Links in Networks of Face-to-Face Proximity},
year = 2014
}%0 Conference Paper
%1 scholz2014predictability
%A Scholz, Christoph
%A Atzmueller, Martin
%A Stumme, Gerd
%B 5th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media: Mining Big Data in Social Media at the 23rd International World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2014
%C Seoul, South Korea
%D 2014
%E [accepted/to appear],
%T On the Predictability of Recurring Links in Networks of Face-to-Face Proximity - BibTeXEndNoteThe combination of ubiquitous and social computing is an emerging research area which integrates different but complementary methods, techniques and tools. In this paper, we focus on the Ubicon platform, its applications, and a large spectrum of analysis results. Ubicon provides an extensible framework for building and hosting applications targeting both ubiquitous and social environments. We summarize the architecture and exemplify its implementation using four real-world applications built on top of Ubicon. In addition, we discuss several scientific experiments in the context of these applications in order to give a better picture of the potential of the framework, and discuss analysis results using several real-world data sets collected utilizing Ubicon.
abstract = {The combination of ubiquitous and social computing is an emerging research area which integrates different but complementary methods, techniques and tools. In this paper, we focus on the Ubicon platform, its applications, and a large spectrum of analysis results. Ubicon provides an extensible framework for building and hosting applications targeting both ubiquitous and social environments. We summarize the architecture and exemplify its implementation using four real-world applications built on top of Ubicon. In addition, we discuss several scientific experiments in the context of these applications in order to give a better picture of the potential of the framework, and discuss analysis results using several real-world data sets collected utilizing Ubicon.},
author = {Atzmueller, Martin and Becker, Martin and Kibanov, Mark and Scholz, Christoph and Doerfel, Stephan and Hotho, Andreas and Macek, Bjoern-Elmar and Mitzlaff, Folke and Mueller, Juergen and Stumme, Gerd},
journal = {New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia},
keywords = {ubicon},
title = {Ubicon and its Applications for Ubiquitous Social Computing},
year = 2014
}%0 Journal Article
%1 ubicon-2014a
%A Atzmueller, Martin
%A Becker, Martin
%A Kibanov, Mark
%A Scholz, Christoph
%A Doerfel, Stephan
%A Hotho, Andreas
%A Macek, Bjoern-Elmar
%A Mitzlaff, Folke
%A Mueller, Juergen
%A Stumme, Gerd
%D 2014
%J New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia
%T Ubicon and its Applications for Ubiquitous Social Computing
%X The combination of ubiquitous and social computing is an emerging research area which integrates different but complementary methods, techniques and tools. In this paper, we focus on the Ubicon platform, its applications, and a large spectrum of analysis results. Ubicon provides an extensible framework for building and hosting applications targeting both ubiquitous and social environments. We summarize the architecture and exemplify its implementation using four real-world applications built on top of Ubicon. In addition, we discuss several scientific experiments in the context of these applications in order to give a better picture of the potential of the framework, and discuss analysis results using several real-world data sets collected utilizing Ubicon. - BibTeXEndNote
author = {Scholz, Christoph and Atzmueller, Martin and Stumme, Gerd},
booktitle = {ISMIS},
keywords = {itegpub},
title = {Unsupervised and Hybrid Approaches for On-Line RFID Localization with Mixed Context Knowledge},
year = 2014
}%0 Conference Paper
%1 DBLP:conf/ismis/SAS14
%A Scholz, Christoph
%A Atzmueller, Martin
%A Stumme, Gerd
%D 2014
%T Unsupervised and Hybrid Approaches for On-Line RFID Localization with Mixed Context Knowledge - URLBibTeXEndNoteThe application of ubiquitous and social computational systems shows a rapidly increasing trend in our everyday environments: Enhancing social interactions and communication in both online and real-world settings is an important issue in a broad range of application contexts. This chapter describes the development of ubiquitous and social software for enhancing social networking. The Connect-U demonstrator features a class of such applications. In particular, it comprises the Conferator and MyGroup applications for enabling smarter social interactions in the context of conferences and working groups. We describe the applied socio-technical design process, and discuss experiences and lessons learned.
abstract = {The application of ubiquitous and social computational systems shows a rapidly increasing trend in our everyday environments: Enhancing social interactions and communication in both online and real-world settings is an important issue in a broad range of application contexts. This chapter describes the development of ubiquitous and social software for enhancing social networking. The Connect-U demonstrator features a class of such applications. In particular, it comprises the Conferator and MyGroup applications for enabling smarter social interactions in the context of conferences and working groups. We describe the applied socio-technical design process, and discuss experiences and lessons learned.},
author = {Atzmueller, Martin and Behrenbruch, Kay and Hoffmann, Axel and Kibanov, Mark and Macek, Bjoern-Elmar and Scholz, Christoph and Skistims, Hendrik and Söllner, Matthias and Stumme, Gerd},
booktitle = {Socio-technical Design of Ubiquitous Computing Systems},
editor = {David, Klaus and Geihs, Kurt and Leimeister, Jan Marco and Roßnagel, Alexander and Schmidt, Ludger and Stumme, Gerd and Wacker, Arno},
keywords = {ubicon},
pages = {261-275},
publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
title = {Connect-U: A System for Enhancing Social Networking},
year = 2014
}%0 Book Section
%1 noKey
%A Atzmueller, Martin
%A Behrenbruch, Kay
%A Hoffmann, Axel
%A Kibanov, Mark
%A Macek, Bjoern-Elmar
%A Scholz, Christoph
%A Skistims, Hendrik
%A Söllner, Matthias
%A Stumme, Gerd
%B Socio-technical Design of Ubiquitous Computing Systems
%D 2014
%E David, Klaus
%E Geihs, Kurt
%E Leimeister, Jan Marco
%E Roßnagel, Alexander
%E Schmidt, Ludger
%E Stumme, Gerd
%E Wacker, Arno
%I Springer International Publishing
%P 261-275
%R 10.1007/978-3-319-05044-7_15
%T Connect-U: A System for Enhancing Social Networking
%U http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-05044-7_15
%X The application of ubiquitous and social computational systems shows a rapidly increasing trend in our everyday environments: Enhancing social interactions and communication in both online and real-world settings is an important issue in a broad range of application contexts. This chapter describes the development of ubiquitous and social software for enhancing social networking. The Connect-U demonstrator features a class of such applications. In particular, it comprises the Conferator and MyGroup applications for enabling smarter social interactions in the context of conferences and working groups. We describe the applied socio-technical design process, and discuss experiences and lessons learned.
%@ 978-3-319-05043-0
- BibTeXEndNote
author = {Schulz, Thomas and Skistims, Hendrik and Zirfas, Julia and Atzmueller, Martin and Scholz, Christoph},
journal = {ZD},
keywords = {recht},
pages = {60--65},
title = {{Rechtliche Ausgestaltung sozialer Konferenzplattformen}},
volume = 2,
year = 2013
}%0 Journal Article
%1 SSZAS:13
%A Schulz, Thomas
%A Skistims, Hendrik
%A Zirfas, Julia
%A Atzmueller, Martin
%A Scholz, Christoph
%D 2013
%P 60--65
%T {Rechtliche Ausgestaltung sozialer Konferenzplattformen}
%V 2 - BibTeXEndNote
address = {Niagara, Ontario, Canada},
author = {Scholz, Christoph and Atzmueller, Martin and Kibanov, Mark and Stumme, Gerd},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2013)},
keywords = {network},
pages = {356--363},
series = {ASONAM '13},
title = {How Do People Link? Analysis of Contact Structures in Human Face-to-Face Proximity Networks},
year = 2013
}%0 Conference Paper
%1 scholz2013people
%A Scholz, Christoph
%A Atzmueller, Martin
%A Kibanov, Mark
%A Stumme, Gerd
%B Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2013)
%C Niagara, Ontario, Canada
%D 2013
%P 356--363
%T How Do People Link? Analysis of Contact Structures in Human Face-to-Face Proximity Networks - BibTeXEndNote
address = {Palo Alto, CA, USA},
author = {Scholz, Christoph and Atzmueller, Martin and Barrat, Alain and Cattuto, Ciro and Stumme, Gerd},
booktitle = {Proc. 7th Intl. AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media},
keywords = {link},
publisher = {AAAI Press},
title = {New Insights and Methods For Predicting Face-To-Face Contacts},
year = 2013
}%0 Conference Paper
%1 SABCS:13
%A Scholz, Christoph
%A Atzmueller, Martin
%A Barrat, Alain
%A Cattuto, Ciro
%A Stumme, Gerd
%B Proc. 7th Intl. AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media
%C Palo Alto, CA, USA
%D 2013
%I AAAI Press
%T New Insights and Methods For Predicting Face-To-Face Contacts - BibTeXEndNote
address = {Prague, Czech Republic},
editor = {Atzmueller, Martin and Scholz, Christoph},
keywords = {itegpub},
publisher = {ECML/PKDD 2013},
title = {{Proceedings of the 2013 International Workshop on Mining Ubiquitous and Social Environments (MUSE 2013)}},
year = 2013
}%0 Book
%1 AS:13
%C Prague, Czech Republic
%D 2013
%E Atzmueller, Martin
%E Scholz, Christoph
%T {Proceedings of the 2013 International Workshop on Mining Ubiquitous and Social Environments (MUSE 2013)} - BibTeXEndNote
address = {Bamberg, Germany},
author = {Kibanov, Mark and Atzmueller, Martin and Scholz, Christoph and Stumme, Gerd},
booktitle = {Proc. LWA 2013 (KDML Special Track)},
keywords = {contacts},
publisher = {University of Bamberg},
title = {{Evolution of Contacts and Communities in Networks of Face-to-Face Proximity (Extended Abstract, Resubmission)}},
year = 2013
}%0 Conference Paper
%1 KASS:13b
%A Kibanov, Mark
%A Atzmueller, Martin
%A Scholz, Christoph
%A Stumme, Gerd
%B Proc. LWA 2013 (KDML Special Track)
%C Bamberg, Germany
%D 2013
%I University of Bamberg
%T {Evolution of Contacts and Communities in Networks of Face-to-Face Proximity (Extended Abstract, Resubmission)} - BibTeXEndNote
author = {Atzmueller, Martin and Kibanov, Mark and Scholz, Christoph and Stumme, Gerd},
howpublished = {INFORMATIK 2013, Poster},
keywords = {conferator},
title = {Conferator - a Social System for Conference and Contact Management},
year = 2013
}%0 Generic
%1 atzmueller2013conferator
%A Atzmueller, Martin
%A Kibanov, Mark
%A Scholz, Christoph
%A Stumme, Gerd
%D 2013
%T Conferator - a Social System for Conference and Contact Management - BibTeXEndNote
author = {Kibanov, Mark and Atzmueller, Martin and Scholz, Christoph and Stumme, Gerd},
booktitle = {Proc. IEEE CPSCom 2013},
keywords = {community},
title = {On the Evolution of Contacts and Communities in Networks of Face-to-Face Proximity},
year = 2013
}%0 Conference Paper
%1 kibanov2013evolution
%A Kibanov, Mark
%A Atzmueller, Martin
%A Scholz, Christoph
%A Stumme, Gerd
%B Proc. IEEE CPSCom 2013
%D 2013
%T On the Evolution of Contacts and Communities in Networks of Face-to-Face Proximity
- BibTeXEndNote
author = {Atzmueller, Martin and Becker, Martin and Doerfel, Stephan and Kibanov, Mark and Hotho, Andreas and Macek, Björn-Elmar and Mitzlaff, Folke and Mueller, Juergen and Scholz, Christoph and Stumme, Gerd},
booktitle = {Proc. 4th IEEE Intl. Conf. on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom 2012)},
keywords = 2012,
title = {Ubicon: Observing Social and Physical Activities},
year = 2012
}%0 Conference Paper
%A Atzmueller, Martin
%A Becker, Martin
%A Doerfel, Stephan
%A Kibanov, Mark
%A Hotho, Andreas
%A Macek, Björn-Elmar
%A Mitzlaff, Folke
%A Mueller, Juergen
%A Scholz, Christoph
%A Stumme, Gerd
%B Proc. 4th IEEE Intl. Conf. on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom 2012)
%D 2012
%T Ubicon: Observing Social and Physical Activities - URLBibTeXEndNote
address = {Milwaukee, WI, USA, June 25-28, 2012},
author = {Macek, Bjoern Elmar and Scholz, Christoph and Atzmueller, Martin and Stumme, Gerd},
booktitle = {23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, HT '12},
keywords = {rfid},
note = {Best Paper},
pages = {245-254},
publisher = {ACM},
title = {Anatomy of a Conference},
year = 2012
}%0 Conference Paper
%1 MacekASS11
%A Macek, Bjoern Elmar
%A Scholz, Christoph
%A Atzmueller, Martin
%A Stumme, Gerd
%B 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, HT '12
%C Milwaukee, WI, USA, June 25-28, 2012
%D 2012
%P 245-254
%T Anatomy of a Conference
%U http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2309996 - BibTeXEndNote
author = {Scholz, Christoph and Atzmueller, Martin and Stumme, Gerd},
booktitle = {Proc. Fourth ASE/IEEE International Conference on Social Computing SocialCom},
keywords = {contacts},
title = {On the Predictability of Human Contacts: Influence Factors and the Strength of Stronger Ties},
year = 2012
}%0 Conference Paper
%1 scholz2012predictability
%A Scholz, Christoph
%A Atzmueller, Martin
%A Stumme, Gerd
%B Proc. Fourth ASE/IEEE International Conference on Social Computing SocialCom
%D 2012
%T On the Predictability of Human Contacts: Influence Factors and the Strength of Stronger Ties
- URLBibTeXEndNote
author = {Atzmüller, Martin and Benz, Dominik and Doerfel, Stephan and Hotho, Andreas and Jäschke, Robert and Macek, Bjoern Elmar and Mitzlaff, Folke and Scholz, Christoph and Stumme, Gerd},
booktitle = {it - Information Technology},
journal = {it - Information Technology},
keywords = {conferator},
month = {05},
number = 3,
pages = {101--107},
publisher = {Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH},
title = {Enhancing Social Interactions at Conferences},
volume = 53,
year = 2011
}%0 Journal Article
%1 martin2011enhancing
%A Atzmüller, Martin
%A Benz, Dominik
%A Doerfel, Stephan
%A Hotho, Andreas
%A Jäschke, Robert
%A Macek, Bjoern Elmar
%A Mitzlaff, Folke
%A Scholz, Christoph
%A Stumme, Gerd
%B it - Information Technology
%D 2011
%I Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH
%J it - Information Technology
%N 3
%P 101--107
%R 10.1524/itit.2011.0631
%T Enhancing Social Interactions at Conferences
%U http://dx.doi.org/10.1524/itit.2011.0631
%V 53 - BibTeXEndNote
author = {Krohn, Michael and Klein, Niklas and Jandt, Silke and Atzmueller, Martin and Scholz, Christoph and Hoffmann, Holger and Kniewel, Romy and Evers, Christoph},
journal = {Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation},
keywords = {itegpub},
number = 4,
pages = {238-240},
title = {Das Forschungszentrum für Informationstechnik-Gestaltung (ITeG)},
volume = 34,
year = 2011
}%0 Journal Article
%1 DBLP:journals/pik/KJASHKE11
%A Krohn, Michael
%A Klein, Niklas
%A Jandt, Silke
%A Atzmueller, Martin
%A Scholz, Christoph
%A Hoffmann, Holger
%A Kniewel, Romy
%A Evers, Christoph
%D 2011
%J Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation
%N 4
%P 238-240
%T Das Forschungszentrum für Informationstechnik-Gestaltung (ITeG)
%V 34 - URLBibTeXEndNote
author = {Ackermann, Marcel R. and Blömer, Johannes and Scholz, Christoph},
journal = {Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)},
keywords = {k-median},
pages = 20,
title = {Hardness and Non-Approximability of Bregman Clustering Problems.},
volume = 18,
year = 2011
}%0 Journal Article
%1 journals/eccc/TR11-015
%A Ackermann, Marcel R.
%A Blömer, Johannes
%A Scholz, Christoph
%D 2011
%J Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)
%P 20
%T Hardness and Non-Approximability of Bregman Clustering Problems.
%U http://eccc.hpi-web.de/report/2011/015/
%V 18 - BibTeXEndNote
author = {Scholz, Christoph and Doerfel, Stephan and Atzmueller, Martin and Hotho, Andreas and Stumme, Gerd},
booktitle = {Working Notes of the LWA 2011 - Learning, Knowledge, Adaptation},
keywords = {itegpub},
title = {Resource-Aware On-Line RFID Localization Using Proximity Data},
year = 2011
}%0 Conference Paper
%1 scholz2011resourceaware
%A Scholz, Christoph
%A Doerfel, Stephan
%A Atzmueller, Martin
%A Hotho, Andreas
%A Stumme, Gerd
%B Working Notes of the LWA 2011 - Learning, Knowledge, Adaptation
%D 2011
%T Resource-Aware On-Line RFID Localization Using Proximity Data - BibTeXEndNote
author = {Scholz, Christoph and Doerfel, Stephan and Atzmueller, Martin and Hotho, Andreas and Stumme, Gerd},
booktitle = {ECML/PKDD (3)},
keywords = {itegpub},
note = {misc = 27},
pages = {129-144},
title = {Resource-Aware On-Line RFID Localization Using Proximity Data},
year = 2011
}%0 Conference Paper
%1 DBLP:conf/pkdd/ADHSS11
%A Scholz, Christoph
%A Doerfel, Stephan
%A Atzmueller, Martin
%A Hotho, Andreas
%A Stumme, Gerd
%D 2011
%P 129-144
%T Resource-Aware On-Line RFID Localization Using Proximity Data
- BibTeXEndNote
author = {Scholz, Christoph},
keywords = {k-median},
school = {University of Paderborn},
title = {Die Schwierigkeit des k-Median Clusterings für Bregman-Divergenzen},
year = 2009
}%0 Thesis
%1 scholz2009schwierigkeit
%A Scholz, Christoph
%D 2009
%T Die Schwierigkeit des k-Median Clusterings für Bregman-Divergenzen
- BibTeXEndNote
author = {Brulic, Samir and Brulic, Samira and Deppe, Pascal and Eschweiler, Dominic and Etemadi, Rosbeh and Herbold, Klaus and Konersmann, Christian and Meiche, Robert and Scholz, Christoph and Timm, Nils and Uckermann, Andre and Weber, Elmar and Zorn, Rene C.},
booktitle = {Informatiktage},
crossref = {DBLP:conf/informatiktage/2008},
keywords = {pc2},
pages = {209-212},
publisher = {GI},
series = {LNI},
title = {CSI: PC2 - A High Performance Biometrie System},
volume = {S-6},
year = 2008
}%0 Conference Paper
%1 DBLP:conf/informatiktage/BrulicBDEEHKMSTUWZ08
%A Brulic, Samir
%A Brulic, Samira
%A Deppe, Pascal
%A Eschweiler, Dominic
%A Etemadi, Rosbeh
%A Herbold, Klaus
%A Konersmann, Christian
%A Meiche, Robert
%A Scholz, Christoph
%A Timm, Nils
%A Uckermann, Andre
%A Weber, Elmar
%A Zorn, Rene C.
%B Informatiktage
%D 2008
%P 209-212
%T CSI: PC2 - A High Performance Biometrie System
%V S-6
%@ 978-3-88579-440-0