University of Kassel
Knowledge & Data Engineering Group

Knowledge & Data Engineering Group (KDE), EECS, University of Kassel

The research unit Knowledge & Data Engineering at the Department of Electrical Engineering/Computer Science is developing methods for knowledge discovery and representation (approximation and exploration of knowledge, order structures in knowledge, ontology learning) and for the analysis of (social) networks and related knowledge processes (metrics in networks, anomaly detection, characterization of social networks). Our focus is on the exact algebraic modelling of structures in knowledge and networks. Our research on foundations in order and lattice theory, description logics, graph theory and ontologies is complemented by applications in social media and scientometrics. The research unit Knowledge & Data Engineering is member in the Interdisciplinary Research Center for Information System Design (ITeG) and the International Centre for Higher Education Research (INCHER Kassel) at the University of Kassel and in the Hessian Center for Artificial Intelligence (hessian.AI).

Our latest publications

  • 1.
    Draude, C., Engert, S., Hess, T., Hirth, J., Horn, V., Kropf, J., Lamla, J., Stumme, G., Uhlmann, M., Zwingmann, N.: Verrechnung – Design – Kultivierung: Instrumentenkasten für die Gestaltung fairer Geschäftsmodelle durch Ko-Valuation,, (2024).
  • 1.
    Hirth, J., Horn, V., Stumme, G., Hanika, T.: Ordinal motifs in lattices. Information Sciences. 659, 120009 (2024).
  • 1.
    Ganter, B., Hanika, T., Hirth, J., Obiedkov, S.: Collaborative Hybrid Human {AI} Learning through Conceptual Exploration. In: Ericson, P., Khairova, N., and Vos, M.D. (eds.) Proceedings of the Workshops at the Third International Conference on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence co-located with (HHAI) 2024), Malmö, Sweden, June 10-11, 2024. pp. 1–8. (2024).
  • 1.
    Budde, K.B., Rellstab, C., Heuertz, M., Gugerli, F., Hanika, T., Verdú, M., Pausas, J.G., González-Martínez, S.C.: Divergent selection in a Mediterranean pine on local spatial scales. Journal of Ecology. 112, (2024).
  • 1.
    Dürrschnabel, D., Priss, U.: Realizability of Rectangular Euler Diagrams, (2024).
  • 1.
    Horn, V., Hirth, J., Holfeld, J., Behmenburg, J.H., Draude, C., Stumme, G.: Disclosing Diverse Perspectives of News Articles for Navigating between Online Journalism Content. In: Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Association for Computing Machinery, Uppsala, Sweden (2024).
  • 1.
    Hirth, J.: Conceptual Data Scaling in Machine Learning, (2024).
  • 1.
    Hirth, J., Hanika, T.: The Geometric Structure of Topic Models, (2024).
  • 1.
    Hanika, T., Hille, T.: What is the intrinsic dimension of your binary data? -- and how to compute it quickly. In: CONCEPTS. pp. 97–112. Springer (2024).
  • 1.
    Hanika, T., Jäschke, R.: A Repository for Formal Contexts. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Joint Conference on Conceptual Knowledge Structures (2024).
  • 1.
    Priss, U., D{ü}rrschnabel, D.: Rectangular Euler Diagrams and Order Theory. In: Lemanski, J., Johansen, M.W., Manalo, E., Viana, P., Bhattacharjee, R., and Burns, R. (eds.) Diagrammatic Representation and Inference. pp. 165–181. Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham (2024).
  • 1.
    Abdulla, M., Hirth, J., Stumme, G.: The Birkhoff Completion of Finite Lattices. In: Cabrera, I.P., Ferré, S., and Obiedkov, S. (eds.) Conceptual Knowledge Structures. pp. 20–35. Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham (2024).
  • 1.
    Draude, C., Dürrschnabel, D., Hirth, J., Horn, V., Kropf, J., Lamla, J., Stumme, G., Uhlmann, M.: Conceptual Mapping of Controversies. In: Cabrera, I.P., Ferré, S., and Obiedkov, S. (eds.) Conceptual Knowledge Structures. pp. 201–216. Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham (2024).
  • 1.
    Hille, T., Stubbemann, M., Hanika, T.: Reproducibility and Geometric Intrinsic Dimensionality: An Investigation on Graph Neural Network Research, (2024).
  • 1.
    Draude, C., D{ü}rrschnabel, D., Hirth, J., Horn, V., Kropf, J., Lamla, J., Stumme, G., Uhlmann, M.: Conceptual Mapping of Controversies. In: Cabrera, I.P., Ferr{é}, S., and Obiedkov, S. (eds.) Conceptual Knowledge Structures. pp. 201–216. Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham (2024).
  • 1.
    D{ü}rrschnabel, D., Priss, U.: Realizability of Rectangular Euler Diagrams. In: Cabrera, I.P., Ferr{é}, S., and Obiedkov, S. (eds.) Conceptual Knowledge Structures. pp. 149–165. Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham (2024).
  • 1.
    Schäfermeier, B., Hirth, J., Hanika, T.: Research Topic Flows in Co-Authorship Networks. Scientometrics. 128, 5051–5078 (2023).
  • 1.
    Felde, M., Stumme, G.: Interactive collaborative exploration using incomplete contexts. Data & Knowledge Engineering. 143, 102104 (2023).