We are curiously awaiting your paper submissions

As the offline challenge has ended and the online challenge not yet started, we had a short look at your submitted result files. Though we only saw what was recommended, we already know that completely different approaches for the name recommendation task were applied. So we are very much looking forward to reading your papers and getting an impression of all the different pre processing and recommendation systems.

After passing the reviewing process, all papers of participants of the challenge’s workshop will be published in the workshop proceedings (for details, have a look at the workshop description). The workshop will take place on September 27th, that is, on the last conference day.

The introduction of the workshop proceedings will contain an introduction to the overall setup of the challenge as well as a detailed task description. You can therefore skip these details in your paper and just refer to the introduction.

If you have further questions concerning your workshop submission, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Happy letter typing!

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