The world-wide web is a rich source of information about human behaviour.
It contains traces of information search, reactions to events, user feedback
on items of interest. This shows up in the rise of related research areas like
communities of practice, knowledge management, web communities, and peer to peer.
In particular the notion of collaborative work and thus the need of its systematic
analysis becomes more and more important. To develop effective web applications,
it is essential to analyse patterns hidden in the usage of web resources, their
contents and their interconnections. User preferences and expectations together
with usage patterns form the basis for personalized and user-friendly services.
Machine Learning methods have been used extensively to find patterns in usage of
the network by exploiting both contents and link structures.
Recently, much research is directed at the analysis of collaboration networks or
discovering social networks from web usage. Successful workshops on Link Analysis
held at international conferences for the last few years (KDD-2003, IJCAI-2003,
KDD 2004, AAAI-2005) show the growing interest and research potential of the
addressed and related problems. The workshop continues a series of workshops on
Semantic Web Mining which have been held at the ECML/PKDD data mining conferences
in 2000-2003 and on Ontologies in P2P communities at ESWC 2005.
The workshop will consist of one or two invited talks, presentation of refereed papers, and discussions.
Attendance will be not limited to the paper authors.
We invite two types of submissions for this workshop:
Technical papers (maximum 12 pages)
Short position papers (maximum 6 pages)
Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed and selected on the basis of
these reviews. Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop. All
submissions should be made electronically if possible, by email
attachment and preferably in Postscript or PDF format.
All submissions must be sent to .
Although not required for the initial
submission, we recommend to follow the format guidelines of ECML/PKDD
(Springer LNCS -- LaTeX Style File), as this
will be the required format for accepted
The workshop proceedings will be distributed during the workshop. We plan to issue a post workshop publication of selected papers by Springer Lecture Notes.